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Placing a New Ad

To place a new ad, please click on the Place Ads link from the navigation bar. You will be prompted to logon. Once you have logged onto the system using your username and password, if you aren't already within a section, you will be asked to choose the category that you want to place your ad in (the page will look similar to the overall front page). Click on the category that you want to place your ad in. You will then see the ad posting form. Required fields are indicated by a *. Enter the relevant information for your new ad and click on the preview button. You will be given the opportunity to preview your ad before it is posted. If you want to make changes, use the back button on your web browser to go back to the ad posting form. Otherwise, if you are satisfied with the appearance of your ad, click on the Submit button. If your ad is successfully posted, the system will display a "success" page. Once your ad has been posted, you will be given the opportunity to upload one or more multimedia files to be included with your ad.

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